Keshav Bimbraw

केशव बिम्बरा | ਕੇਸ਼ਵ ਬਿੰਬਰਾ

I am a Robotics PhD candidate at WPI's Medical FUSION Lab, where my research focuses on the application of deep learning to ultrasound image processing. My interests lie in leveraging AI/ML to enable real-time unimodal and multi-modal biosignal-based predictions. My research has broad applicability in domains such as robotic teleoperation, AR/VR, surgical robotics, rehabilitation robotics, and gaming.

As of Summer 2024, I'm working as a research intern at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts under the Connected Interfaces Group. I was a part of the same group in Summer 2023. In the Summer and Fall of 2022, I worked as an Augmented Human Sensing Researcher (Intern/Co-Op) at Nokia Bell Labs' Artificial Intelligence Research Lab in the New York City Metropolitan Area.

Additionally, I have experience as an Active Noise Control Engineering intern at Bose (Automotive Systems Division) and as an Audio DSP Engineer. I hold a Master's in Music Technology from Georgia Tech (Spring 2019) and completed a research internship at IIT Delhi while pursuing my B.E. in Mechatronics Engineering at Thapar University. Resume. CV.


  • June, '24 - Two papers accepted at IUS 2024!
  • June, '24 - Started a research internship at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs under Dr. Toshiaki Koike-Akino!
  • June, '24 - Passed my PH.D. Thesis Proposal!
  • May, '24 - Won IEEE EMBC NextGen Scholar Award!
  • April, '24 - A paper on improving robustness of multi-modal biosignals for gesture classification based on a summer 2023 internship at MERL has been accepted to IEEE EMBC 2024!
  • Nov, '23 - Mirror based forearm ultrasound for hand gesture classification using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) accepted for presentation at SPIE Medical Imaging 2024 in San Diego, CA!
  • Oct, '23 - Ultrasound-based virtual object manipulation work presented at IEEE EMBS BSN 2023 held at MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA.
  • Sept, '23 - Ultrasound based finger force estimation presented at IEEE IUS 2023 in Montreal, Canada.
  • July, '23 - Our work on ultrasound-based virtual object manipulation has been accepted to IEEE BSN 2023 which will be held at MIT Media Lab in October!
  • May, '23 - My work on ultrasound-based finger force estimation accepted to IUS 2023!
  • April, '23 - Starting work as a Research Intern next month at Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories in Cambridge, Massachusetts!
  • March, '23 - Gave my PhD Qualifiers and passed!
  • January, '23 - Presented Towards the Development of a Low-Latency, Biosignal-Controlled Human-Machine Interaction System at IEEE SII 2023 held at Georgia Tech!

Selected Papers

Mirror-based Ultrasound System for Exploring Hand Gesture Classification through Convolutional Neural Network and Vision Transformer
SPIE Medical Imaging 2024
San Diego, CA
Paper. Video.

Leveraging Ultrasound Sensing for Virtual Object Manipulation in Immersive Environments
Cambridge, MA
Paper. Video.

Estimating Force Exerted by the Fingers Based on Forearm Ultrasound
Montreal, Canada
Paper. Video.

Towards The Development of a Low-Latency, Biosignal-Controlled Human-Machine Interaction System
Atlanta, GA
Paper. Video.

Prediction of Metacarpophalangeal joint angles and Classification of Hand configurations based on Ultrasound Imaging of the Forearm
IEEE ICRA 2022 and IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics
Philadelphia, PA
Conference Paper. Journal Paper. Video.

Forearm Ultrasound Images can be Classified to Predict Static American Sign Language Letters
IEEE ICRA 2022 Workshop on Human-centered Autonomy in Medical Robotics
Philadelphia, PA
Poster Link.

Towards Sonomyography-Based Real-Time Control of Powered Prosthesis Grasp Synergies
Montreal, Canada
Paper. Video.

Volunteer Advising/Mentorship

Please feel free to contact me at my Personal Email ID (last-name first-name at for advice on graduate school, insights on research versus industry, life as an international student, and career guidance. As someone who has mentored and guided students since my undergraduate years, I am particularly interested in supporting individuals from traditionally underrepresented communities in STEM, such as LGBTQIA+, POC, and FGCS. Don't hesitate to reach out, I'll be happy to assist in any way I can.